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Übersicht der aktuellen Projektausschreibungen:
Title A-Z | Publishing date | Faculty/ Institute | Contact person | Link Ausschreibung |
AI tools for a circular bioeconomy in the packaging industry | 19.07.2024 | SPI | Alina Kleiner | AI tools for a circular bioeconomy in the packaging industry |
Characterization of innovative packaging based on Polyethylenfuranoat | 19.07.2024 | SPI | Max Sturm | Characterization of innovative packaging based on Polyethylenfuranoat |
Complexity of sustainability | 19.07.2024 | SPI | Alina Kleiner | |
Correlation between packaging performance and food wastage | 19.07.2024 | SPI | Alina Kleiner | |
Digital sustainability assessment | 25.06.2024 | IZL | Christina Terpstra-Rundel | |
Electron beam assisted extraction of chitin and conversion to chitosan | 19.07.2024 | SPI | Max Sturm | Electron beam assisted extraction of chitin and conversion to chitosan |
Enhancing Drug Safety and Vigilance for Rare Diseases, an Empirical Analysis | 28.06.2024 | Life Sciences | Clemens Möller | Enhancing Drug Safety and Vigilance for Rare Diseases, an Empirical Analysis |
1) Erstellung eines Nachhaltigkeitsberichts für die Optigrün international AG 2) Erstellung einer Nachhaltigkeitsstrategie für die Optigrün international AG 3) Erstellung von EPDs (Environmental Product Declaration) | 25.07.2024 | Extern | Firma Optigrün AG | Erstellung eines Nachhaltigkeitsberichts/ einer Nachhaltigkeitsstrategie/ Erstellung von EPDs |
Evaluation of sustainability reports according to CSRD and ESRS | 15.07.2024 | Life Sciences | Christina Terpstra-Rundel | Evaluation of sustainability reports according to CSRD and ESRS |
Future skills in rural areas | 25.06.2024 | IZL | Christina Terpstra-Rundel | |
Identification and evaluation of bio-based materials for the production of bottle caps | 19.07.2024 | SPI | Max Sturm | Identification and evaluation of bio-based materials for the production of bottle caps |
Inclusive packaging concepts for people with disabilities | 19.07.2024 | SPI | Alina Kleiner | |
Material substitution vs. Material reduction | 19.07.2024 | SPI | Elisa Uhlig | |
Recycling of metallized textiles | 01.07.2024 | Engineering | Jörn Lübben | |
Sustainability analysis of food storage systems in refrigerators | 12.07.2024 | Life Sciences | Astrid Klingshirn | Sustainability analysis of food storage systems in refrigerators |
Sustainable business development in rural areas | 25.06.2024 | IZL | Christina Terpstra-Rundel | |
Your own project proposal | - | depends | Clemens Möller o.a. | Your own project proposal |